Yellow & Yellow expands the range of services


Yellow & Yellow expands the range of services

Warehouse stock management has always been one of the critical elements of companies, especially production.
And if it is true that an approximative or wrong management can have serious economic repercussions, it is also true that most of the errors in the field derive from human factors.
Estimating inventory is also a crucial phase. In less organized companies, the inventory phase can last several days, and in almost all companies there are important deviations between the real stocks and those foreseen in the warehouse.

A quick and safe solution?

Yellow & Yellow offers you an automated warehouse loading/unloading system, which will allow you to have inputs and outputs under control through sensors positioned in acceptance.
These sensors, capable of reading barcodes, QR codes and RFID labels, will automatically generate movements in the warehouse, which together with statistical and historical data, will be visible to back-office operators through a web interface, always updated in real time.
The interface with the supplier codes will also allow the system to independently recognize incoming packages, and to categorize them correctly.
The software also allows you to speed up the phases of receiving goods and shipping, highlighting any inconsistencies with respect to the reference documents.
Are you looking for a system to save time and have a better warehouse organization? Fill in the form to be contacted.

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